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Undercover Trooper commits suicide after my husbands trial, Corruption in a small town

Submitted by David Borden on
There was a life that was lost due to the trial of my husbands and several others. the corrupt police in a small town in upstate ny who are racially motivated. they lied and made up transactions of drug that never took place and they forged signatures and there is a signature of someone the police admitted at trial they have no idea and there is no one on the police force by that name. they admitted to there forged documents but had no evidence that it ever took place. no marked money, no wires no pictures. NOTHING. but they seemed to convinvce an all white jury that my husband and two other black men in seperate cases did it. the undercover trooper commited suicide a week later after trial. she couldnt take all the lies. either that or the crooked police she was involved in had there hand. Maybe she wanted to tell the truth. I have an investigation with several places in albany and rochester to help free my husband from being innocent and convicted from corruption in the police and the courts.they also described the black male as being 5'7 with hair. And my husband is 5'10 and been bald for 6 years. The police said and i quote we got one black man off the street lets get the rest of them to another mans wife that was involved in another case. I am going to start a web site its gonna be called the voice for the innocent. who will be the voice for innocent people locked away from their families for a crime they did not commit. I have researched my husbands case for a year and a half and found case law and we filed motions on our own. I know in the end we will win, he will be free and I think i would also enjoy helping others. If you have any suggestions let me know.

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